

Bloom Baby                                          (whole year)   09:00 - 12:00         Main Hall

Baby development classes for babies aged 0 to 15 months.

Contact:- Natalie Tillotson                                                           Tel:- 07807 062797

n a t a l i e@b l o o m b a b y c l a s s e                                                           


Zumba Loco NW                                 (whole year)   18:30 - 19:30         Main Hall

Latin based exercise fitness party.

Contact:- Beverley Dickenson                                                     Tel:- 07791 553584

z u m b a.l o c o.n                                                                               


Wood Carving                                     (whole year)   09:00 - 12:00    Austin Room

Meeting of men & women interested in wood-carving to share ideas & work together.

Contact:- Peter Kenyon                                                               Tel:- 01254 885595

4 7 p e t e r k e n y o                                       Mobile:- 07398 452085


Chair based Yoga                                (whole year)   11:00 - 12:30         Main Hall

Breath work, stretching and relaxation for well-being.

Contact:- Julia Leech                                                                   Tel:- 07903 888232

j u l i a l e e c                                                                                   


BABY MINE                                       (whole year)   11:00 - 12:30         Main Hall

Baby massage and baby yoga with BabyMine building relationships with parents.

Contact:- Sarah Riley                                                                   Tel:- 07403 654093

s a r a h.r i l e y                                                                               


Diabetes Prevention                        (twice a month)   13:00 - 14:30    Austin Room


Contact:- Jessica Day                                                                  Tel:- 0330 175 2256

j e s s i c.d a y@r e a d w e l  l b e i n                                                           


Zumba Loco NW                                 (whole year)   18:00 - 19:00         Main Hall

Latin based exercise fitness party.

Contact:- Beverley Dickenson                                                     Tel:- 07791 553584

b e v d 0                                                                                              


SIS mental Health                    (2nd and 4th weeks)   18:00 - 20:00    Austin Room

Peer to peer support for anyone concerned about their mental health.

Contact:- Becky House                                                                Tel:- 07712 417564

h o u s e y_3 6 0                                                                                


St Andrew's Scottish Dancing       (term time only)   19:30 - 22:00         Main Hall

Teaching Scottish Country Dancing.

Contact Marion Clark                                                                  Tel:- 01254 237107

m a z c l a r k 2


Learning through Play                  (term time only)   09:00 - 12:00         Main Hall

Parent and toddler group

Contact:- Jo-Ann Murphy                                                            Tel:- 01254 823390

c r o s s l e y.m u r p h                              Mobile:- 07793 822175


Table Tennis  (plus Coaching)   (term time only)   19:30 - 22:00         Main Hall

Contact:- Phil Mileham                                                                Tel:- 01200 413569

p h i l.m i l e h a



Zumba                                                  (whole year)   09:30 - 10:30         Main Hall

Latin based exercise fitness party.

Contact:- Beverley Dickenson                                                     Tel:- 07791 553584

z u m b a.l o c o.n                                           Mobile:- 07758 292019


New Pilates                                           (whole year)   10:45 - 11:45         Main Hall

Low impact mat based exercises developed to improve core strength, flexibility,

mobility and wellbeing.

Contact:- Catherine Beresford                                                      Tel:- 07853 176011

c a t h e r i n e@n e w p i l a t e                                                                     


Diabetes Prevention                        (twice a month)   14:00 - 15:30    Austin Room


Contact:- Jessica Day                                                                  Tel:- 0330 175 2256

j e s s i c.d a y@r e a d w e l  l b e i n                                                           


ReAct                                              (term time only)   16:00 - 19:15         Main Hall

Drama and musical theatre for 3 year olds to Adults.

Contact:- Cassandra Webster                                                                                     

i n f o@r e a c t-a c a d e m                                   Mobile:- 07786 867272


ReAct                                              (term time only)   16:00 - 19:15    Austin Room

Drama and musical theatre for 3 year olds to Adults.

Contact:- Cassandra Webster                                                                                     

i n f o@r e a c t-a c a d e m                                   Mobile:- 07786 867272


Explorer Scouts                              (term time only)   19:30 - 22:00   Main + Austin

Explore Scouts aged 14-18 years engaged in the Scout Association's "Balanced

Programme" of physical / educational / enjoyable activities.

Contact:- Jan Whitfield                                                                Tel:- 01254 245095

j a n e t w h i t f i e l                                 Mobile:- 07919 527001


Yoga Live                                             (whole year)   10:30 - 12:00         Main Hall

Yoga for all abilities and ages. Beginners welcome.

Contact:- Blair Read                                                                    Tel:- 07511 591880

l i v e y o g a u                                                                                    


ReAct                                              (term time only)   16:00 - 20:30         Main Hall

Drama and musical theatre for 3 year olds to Adults.

Contact:- Cassandra Webster                                                                                     

i n f o@r e a c t-a c a d e m                                   Mobile:- 07786 867272


ReAct                                              (term time only)   15:45 - 19:15    Austin Room

Drama and musical theatre for 3 year olds to Adults.

Contact:- Cassandra Webster                                                                                     

i n f o@r e a c t-a c a d e m                                   Mobile:- 07786 867272


Alcoholics Anonymous                        (whole year)   19:15 - 20:45    Austin Room

All welcomed with a desire to stop drinking..

Contact:- Andy Yates                                                                  Tel:- 07515 027466

y a n d y y a t e


Table Tennis  (plus Coaching)   (term time only)   09:15 - 12:15         Main Hall

Contact:- Phil Mileham                                                                Tel:- 01200 413569

p h i l.m i l e h a


PHAB                               (2nd & 4th Sat of month)   15:30 - 18:30         Main Hall

Charity disco for disabled children.

Contact:- Rebecca Hargreaves                                                     Tel:- 01254 824784

r e b e c c a.h a r g r e a v e                           Mobile:- 07875 140898


Table Top Sale                (last Sun of most months)   08:00 - 14:30         Main Hall

Lots of tables with bric à brac & quality household items from good local homes

on the last Sunday of the month.  Reserve a table now to avoid disappointment.

Contact:- Honey Balfour                                                             Tel:- 01254 822350

t a b l e t o p@w h a l l e y v i l l a g e h a l               Mobile:- 07713 365345


Modern Jive                                    (term time only)   19:00 - 21:30                 Main

Fun Jive classes for couples Further info

Contact:- Richard Wallwork                                                        Tel:- 07967 202603

w a l l w o r k.r i c h a r                                                                       


B O O K I N G   I N F O R M A T I O N

Contact:- Honey Balfour                                                             Tel:- 01254 822350

b o o k i n g s@w h a l l e y v i l l a g e h a l                                                 


N.B. When copying email addresses please remove spaces – they are there to

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